For Grace Enterprise

Administrative Consulting | Business Management

For Grace Enterprise is an Administrative Consulting and Business Management firm with a rich history of client-focused services. We offer fundamental and functional expertise.

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Tips for Your Move Out of State

“I recently helped a client who was prepping to relocate across country and was reminded of this infographic I made almost 2 years ago, listing Tips for Moving Out of State! Just a quick reminded piece for anyone considering. Right when I thought to send to her, I was also inspired to share everyone. It may be 2 years old, but oh is it still relevant! Take a look! May your move be stress-free and your paths be happy!”

- Kimberly C.

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"...but, why "For Grace" of all names?"

Immediately, the light bulb in my head went off! That was my whole purpose of going into business. More than making money with my skills, it was about doing what I love, and am great at, which happens to be bringing elegance and refinement to projects, events and operations. I couldn't think of better name to represent the quality and gold standard I and my team always strive to bring to everything we touch, than For Grace Enterprise. This is the meaning behind the name.

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Important Things to Remember on Election Day

It’s YOUR vote. It’s your right. It is a right that people fought and died over. It’s your voice.  We, at For Grace Enterprise, want to do our part to ensure people are properly informed with regards to their vote and how important it is. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

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