For Grace Enterprise

Administrative Consulting | Business Management

For Grace Enterprise is an Administrative Consulting and Business Management firm with a rich history of client-focused services. We offer fundamental and functional expertise.

"...but, why "For Grace" of all names?"

I recently took on a writing challenge for my personal website -- failed miserably, might I add -- where the question was asked "why did you choose your business name?". Because I understand the importance of building relationships with my clientele, it's a story I'm happy to share. I have always been very particular. I like the "i's" to be dotted and the "t's" crossed. I like the portrait on the wall to be hung evenly and securely. I like the research to be thorough and the answers found. And, I happen to enjoy being the one to help bring it all together. From as early as I can remember, I have always set out to do everything to the most optimal level of quality. At the age of 14, I was working an internship at the Erie County Family Court, in Buffalo, NY, and I remember one of the judges I worked under saying, "I can always tell when you did something because it's always so nice and so neat. You're gonna go far, young lady." Fast forward to my 2nd year at Clarkson University, where my School of Business counselor told me,

" always put a special touch on your work. That's your calling card. Never lose that."

Needless to say, it has always been important to me how well things came together.

I had been freelancing in Administrative, Consulting, Management and other related roles for 6 years before I realized I could actually do this. And, because I had been freelancing so long, when it came time to choose a name, logo and plan for the business, I immediately hit a brain freeze. Seemingly, already having helped develop brands, build business models and write out business plans should have made this easy for me. But, in actuality, it was more difficult. In choosing a name, I had to careful and deliberate. I didn't want to choose a name that would restrict me or the brand. I wanted a name that would survive time, and that I wouldn't eventually start to hate or grow out of. I also wanted a name unlike any other company. That, alone, negated my birth name. Around the time I was putting together these plans, the word "grace" was heavy in my mind and spirit. I just kept hearing the word, "grace." And, I started to thank God more for His grace, daily, as that was the definition of the word I was most familiar with. I gave myself a deadline to file my DBA/registrations. And, on that day, still unable to shake that word, "grace", I looked up the definition. I looked it up with the intention of finding a way to incorporate it into the name of my business. My thought process was: it's by God's grace I can do any of this anyways, and since it never runs out, what better word to use for the long haul. Upon looking up the word, before getting to the second definition, which mentions "the free and unmerited favor of God", was the first definition.

It read "simple elegance or refinement." Immediately, the light bulb in my head went on.

That was my whole purpose of going into business. More than making money with my skills, it was about doing what I love, and am great at, which happens to be bringing elegance and refinement to projects, events and operations. I couldn't think of a better name to represent the quality and gold standard I and my team always strive to bring to everything we touch, than For Grace Enterprise. This is the meaning behind the name.

In 2017, we will be celebrating 7 years of Consulting, Management, Training and Research as For Grace Enterprise, and I couldn't be more proud and grateful.

For more information about For Grace Enterprise, our services, contact, information, blog, and more, you can find us here, at:

We are also here for your presentations, events, business services, resumes, obituaries and other needs. Let's get your plans in motion.